2024 artober roundup
Last year I said, “Last year was nice and all, but […] if part of the goal is to practise then next time I should do something more in line with my typical approach.” The same held true this year, so this time I went for full colour and abandoned any remaining semblance of ‘Inktober’ beyond lifting the prompts. Except I didn’t really have time for daily drawings and haven’t generally enjoyed the experience of finding something for prompts that don’t inspire, so this time I decided from the outset that if I didn’t have time or inspiration, I’d just skip it. Turned out to be a decent idea because the Official Prompts somehow decided to do a ‘theme’ which meant they basically repeated the same ideas and it would take even more effort to somehow not draw the same thing over and over. ‘Trek’, ‘Hike’, ‘Roam’, ‘Drive’, ‘Road’, good work guys.
I started out with the intent to just speedpaint individual objects in a sort of still life theme but soon lost the plot after accidentally beginning to put in effort. Also attempted to have more overall colour coordination.




Oops, accidentally committed ‘an effort’. It was just too inspirational. The previous three took up to twenty minutes but this was more like an hour.


The prompt is ‘Horizon’ so I drew it vertically. Ha ha.




Say it with me, “Silhouettes are cheating!” Particularly if the hills had been more silhouetted too.
So in all, despite missing a few toward the end, I still came out with a third of them. Pictures are not the greatest but I was more focused on getting them done quickly, faster than any previous years.