
Limulus lotus

It’s no secret that I like and respect horseshoe crabs – for reasons that deserve to elaborated on some time. So when someone shared this CRABTCHA, I had no choice but to respond “Front and centre where it belongs 🧘‍♂️”

Happy World Ocean Day now prove you are not a robot.

(This CRABTCHA is brought to you by and yours truly.)

spoof captcha telling people to click on images containing crabs, but the images are of various true crabs and false crabs


To which came the response “I'd like to see a horseshoe crab attempt a lotus position.”

Well, challenge accepted.

A horseshoe crab on a sandy surface, with its body upright. Unless someone told you, you wouldn’t notice the lowest pair of legs are crossed.

Pointy stick

Some sort of draconic biped wielding a three-pointed polearm in a somewhat threatening manner, rendered in greyscale

An attempt to focus on texture, tone and shading without fussing with colour. A rather successful one, I believe!

I did later try to apply colour but the various blending modes just don’t seem to work in the right way. No matter.